Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Gay Marriage Issue

As promised, and a while in coming as it has taken some thought, is the beginning of my blog(s) on the homosexual crisis in our nation.
Foremost I will state that I do not nor should anyone, hate another human being. For any reason. Hate the sin, NEVER the sinner. God`s word is clear for us on this subject.
This being said, not because it is politicaly correct but because it is right, I believe homosexual behavior is an aberrant lifestyle that feeds more fuel to the wildfire of decadance, that is burning our great nation down around our ears, and before our eyes.
This week, the elected officials of Massachusetts decided to take the stand the concerned people of this state demanded of them. Namely, that they honor the constitutional right of the people to vote on an issue facing society, the particular issue, Gay marriage.
If passed through one more hoop, we will have the chance to affirm the God given definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman. I praise God that He has brought this about, and we need to thank the more than 170,000 people of this state that banded together for the sake of good ethics, and the future safety of our childrens moral values. These good people put their names to paper in a petition that in no uncertain terms told the Massachusettes Congress that we as a society, will not allow government to decree what we can find socially acceptable.
The numbers speak clearly. In over 25 states in the union, Gay marriage has been defeated as a bill of law. This is because the system of democracy in our United States of America gives us the right and authority to decide what we find acceptable as a society. As more states tackle the issue, more people will be called upon to make a choice. If polls are close to correct in their estimation of public opinion, few states will pass such provisions. Those that do, Like Massachusettes will eventually succumb to the moral outrage of it`s majority, and repeal such socially damaging edicts.
The supporters of this legislature fear pressure from small but powerful civilly active groups, and their big dog representative the ACLU. They have shamefully surrendered to the strong polluted current of social and moral liberalism that rots the heart, while stroking itself with calm reassurance that anything and everything is really OK. Now, in light of this weeks vote, those that would push the desires of the morally loose on the majority who value the traditional American family have been exposed, and will eventually answer for their weak ethics and in some cases their outright lies. We need to take note of these people in power, as we can be sure if they will lie under pressure on this issue because of their lack of moral fiber and fearful support of issues that weaken the structure of our society, they are capable of all kinds of harm to our nations future, and need to be voted out of power before they can do serious damage to the future of the families of Massachusettes.


Hollands Opus said...

But of course!!

The Real Music Observer said...

I wish I could offer something of substance to this debate. I can offer opinion. And my opinion is that while gay marriage is problematic culturally, the tidal wave of popular opinion is against the idea that two consenting adults who enter into a relationship should not have legal benefits. Whether or not you want to call it "marriage", "union" or living in sin, it's apparent that we should recognize that this problem is not going away.

Personally I have let go of the animosity I used to harbor over this issue. I no longer fear the end of western civilization or that my marriage will dissolve because of it.

As a parlimentary matter, I do think folks should be allowed to vote on the issue. But I also think that if the homosexual lobby recognized that their idea of marriage is going against a recent, yet traditional definition, they would not incite many who see this as a threat to all that's sacred. I do think a vote should be cast. I don't think the matter would be settled even after the vote because the court still has the ability to declare the matter unconstitutional. Only the supreme court would be able to settle the issue. You're talking about years of struggle. And most people are getting tired of hearing about this issue. I know I am.

mkz said...

Yes, that is the idea that most groups of people who want to change the status Quo to the negative are operating on, dog the issue until so many people are sick of it that they give in. This is how groups like the British counterpart of NAMBLA got the age of sexual consent changed from 18 to 16. Sadly it works if the ethical values of a society are already in an advanced state of decay, like ours. This condition is easily seen in the overall willingness of the majority to call what is evil, good. Now where was that foretold?

The Real Music Observer said...

mkz, I think the fatigue on this issue also goes to the tactics of those who would deny rights to people who probably deserve them. Each side has been malicious in their attacks on the other. And often when you get punched in the stomach a few times, you tend to shy away from the battle. So far, nobody is advocating man-boy love here-and if it's just the slipperly slope you fear, I say do what you can to keep your own house in order, and influence your own children with God's love and forgiveness. I do think if the scales tip a bit more, like polygamy and incest and beastiality-then you've got a moral crisis. Until then, I'm not sure what can be done.

mkz said...

Fortunately, God`s word is concise as to what should be done.
As for your slippery slope statement, think of it like the global warming scenario, why let the ethical standard slip at all if all you are going to be concerned with how far it will go next? This is how Hitler became the threat he did, everyone let what he was doing slide, not wanting to face the uncomfortable task of facing the problem until they realized what was happening was terribly wrong, and by then the chance to stem the tide of disaster was long gone. This is by the way, the same problem the nation is having with the war on terror. We can run from the problem, ignore it for a time, and hide our heads in the sand and whine `why can`t we all just get along`. This is the problem inherent in liberal politics and theology, no set moral standard greater than our own, so no limit as to what is acceptable other than what the majority accepts. If that standard becomes pedophilia, then that is what will be acceptable. You may doubt this, but then the citizens of 18th century America would have doubted there would ever be a debate on the definition of marriage. One day we will have to face the issues, and take a stand either for good or evil. God has set the stage and is calling the rolls. Praise the Lord that He has given us clear instruction on the parts the saved in Christ are to play!

The Real Music Observer said...

Mkz, I don't want to get in a Mkz, I don't want to get in a circular argument here regarding isues that I deem are extra-biblical, as the Bible doesn't tell me how I should install lighting in my kitchen, but it may tell me (in a way) to install lighting that would not interfere with
my neighbor's. Even though the Bible is my guide, I do believe it instructs on every detail of every issue. Moral decline as you refer to it, was evident in the time of the Biblical authorship, and has been a part of civilization since the Fall. I'm not sure what we can do to stem this supposed slide, as even the prophets have forecasted it, and we are nowliving in it. If your remedy is to lobby the government, we are in a vast minority and will lose-if not now then later. Your concern over what folks in the 18th century would have thought of what's happening today, has no bearing on the reality of today. They would have also been appauled by the use of machinery do to almost every function imaginable. I used to argue today's realities from that perspective without any real argument as to why the current issue was wrong. It's not enough to say that the founders would be spinning in their graves, or that we know for sure what Jesus would have felt. The Bible can used to validate almost any point of view with the right spin. I've heard both liberals and conservatives make claims to it based on their own theological interpretations. In the end, the Holy Spirit has to be the One to guide us into Truth.
And that is why God has not settled these issues for me, as too much of my reality is tainted by obvious contradictions to the things many of my conservative brethren have etched in stone.

mkz said...

Hello David,
I am a little puzzled as to why you posted under a different user name, yet present the same argument.
The light the Bible installs cuts through the darkness and allows your neighbor to see clearly, unless of course your neighbor is hiding his eyes in fear from what the light reveals.
I don`t read where I advocated lobbying the government for anything, only that we witness correctly of the Word, if we do this God will do the rest.
We can know what Jesus felt, how many times do the Scriptures tell us His views on sin, witness, and doing the will of the Father? As the Holy Spirit dwells in the hearts of the Saved, and is an equal person in the godhead, how can we not know what the Lord feels, other than if we turn away from what He speaks to our soul? Unless you doubt the Word of God, or fracture it to make it more socially acceptable, we can know all we need to serve His will. It is when we doubt the Creator that we become confused, because we are putting our will and desires before God's. It is unwise at best, and down right arrogant at the least to assume we know better than God, and to say He is unfair if He so chooses to destroy a segment of His creation that He deems corrupt. The clay never tells the potter what to shape.
I grieve for you that you are not settled in your faith and do not have peace with God. I lived most all my life in that state. I have found in salvation that surrendering to His will, believing on His Word, and trusting in His judgment which is so much greater and compassionate than mine could ever be, has given me a peace and joy in my heart that is unattainable from any worldly source, or human ideal. Praise His wisdom that His word is etched in substance greater than any stone mankind has ever scratched a mark upon.

The Real Music Observer said...

Mzk, I apologize for the new name, as it was given to me by a friend, and I felt it was a good label for what I am.

I think each time I post something here or elsewhere, I seem to get the same arguments back, whether it be trying to find common ground, or expressing a view point that runs contrary to what seems to be a monolithic Biblical litmus test. Each time I post, I try to incorporate ideas the embody who I am as an individual. I sense that even though my arguments may be accepted or appreciated to some degree, they obviously hit a "Biblical wall" of sorts. In other words, we can't talk about gay marriage or any other issue unless it's filtered through a Bible prism. I doubt God intends it to be this way. There are many sciences that are practiced without the aid of Biblical screening, and each issue raised needs to be argued from many angles in order to be fully understood. I completely understand the "Bible says its wrong" argument. But I feel the need to understand what folks think about things outside of those parameters. Often, I present arguments like a defense attorney, for those who have reasonable doubts. As I have them, and will likely harbor them for the rest of my life. People thought they knew what the Bible said on slavery and polygamy for years-but those views changed. To say they didnt change is to be a revisionist. And that's where the etching comment comes from. I have made too many absolute statements in my life that were proven to be very wrong later. I refuse to think anything in this world is easy to figure out. God, especially is the greatest of mysteries.

mkz said...

Fortunately for me David the Word of God is absolute.
I once lived a life of doubt. I knew there was a God, but did not know Him. I lived my life according to my will and made myself an absolute authority on all I knew, after all if I could not count on myself, who could I count on? Well I found out. When God brought me to the end of myself, there was nothing left but Him. All that I had He took away. My wife and daughter,my pride, my house, my cars, my self assurance, my money, my guns, my land, even the clothes on my back were literally taken off of me. I was naked, and my soul was naked before my Creator. I have since come to realize that my soul was always bare before God, but until that instant I did not know it. I made a choice then, because Jesus gave me one. I now have peace with God, and His promise of salvation for eternity.
The Gays will marry, the politicians will lie, followers of false religions will wage their war of conquest,the earth will warm and freeze according to the will of God, and I will believe on Him. I will live and speak the truth of His Word to the best of my ability, and I will do this not for my glory, or to raise myself above anyone. I will do this at the cost of my freedom, and I will not compromise His Word or His Call on my soul, even if it means my mortal life is forfeit.
I would not use a contaminated filter in an attempt to clean the air my daughter breathes, and in that sense my brother I would not present a point to you I can not view through the Bible as truth. To knowingly do so would be to betray the witness God has made of my life. If I were to do that David, what would be the point of hearing anything I had to say?

The Real Music Observer said...

Mkz, I appreciate your convictions, as I think they are who you are and are what this blog is all about. When I read your responses I am both impressed and somewhat uneasy as well. Your use of the Bible as a filter on nearly every issue is laudable, but I'm not sure the Bible can live up to those standards. Nor do I think it was meant to. It's God's revelation to the world, but there are things that come along some 2000 years later that couldn't possibly intersect with what those original writers put down on papyrus. You can still apply overarching concepts that work for all people in all times, i.e., the sermon on the mount, the beatitudes, the Great Commission and most all of the teachings of Jesus.

You seem to view the world as coming to an end with all these apocalyptic evils commencing at once, which gives more credence to the prophets and what they predicted. But so far I am still here. No rapture. No left behind movie trailers. I hope in the end it's not the end but the beginning of something great. God helped me let go of my hatred of this world, because God so loved the world and didn't forsake it or hate it.

The point of hearing anything you have to say is that God made you and you are a unique creature. The fatalism you express in your love for God sounds as if your life is insignifigant to God. I know God must love me because he's allowed me to carry on despite my fears and doubts. You are special to God-sounds like something I'd say to my son or daughter. I want my kids to know first and foremost we serve a God who loves this world. I will never be the witness I'm called to be unless I fully recognize the free grace that God offers. All the talk about a speck like me offering something to God-like glory-yetGod already has the market cornered on it. It's like offering a vapor to the Atlantic Ocean. God is truly glorified when He's understood in the proper context. And grace, love and mercy is what God is all about. Few people get scared into believing in Jesus. That may have worked for DL Moody, but it won't work today.

This world is filled with threats of violence and hate. The alternative is love and peace and hope and justice and goodness and kindness. God delivers on all His promises and those are precious to all those who hang on that hope. I am one of the hopeful.