Friday, December 08, 2006

Merry CHRISTmas

As much as I would like to take credit for this, I cannot. The original was sent to me in an e-mail, author unknown. It was somewhat dated, and so I felt the need for some revision. I hope as you read, it will bring a concern to your hearts, and a new resolve to stand firm against the culture that would profane the celebration of Christs` birth, and reduce it to nothing more than an annual secular social event.

`Tis not a month before Christmas, and all through the land,

too few Christians are praying, or taking a stand.

How sad the freedom to worship,

Slowly slips through our hands.

Our children are told by public schools not to sing,

about Shepards or Wisemen, Angels, or a King.

"It might hurt people`s feelings!" the teachers must say,

call December 25th, just another holiday.

All the shoppers will consume with cash, checks, and credit,

pushing folks to the floor, in a rush just to get it.

CDs, widescreens, a Playstation, some new clothes to be worn,

who remembers the name of The Gentle Newborn?

Retail giants promote holidays like Ramadan, and Kwanzaa,

in hopes to sell books, by Franken and Fonda.

Remember Target hanging trees upsidedown?

While at Best Buy the word `Christmas` can not be found.

At K-Mart and Lowe`s and Penny`s and at Sears,

no employee can wish you `Merry Christmas` this year.

Inclusive, sensitive, and diversity,

all words they will use to shame and intimidate me.

Now Matthews, Now Stewart, Now Olberman and Winfrey,

On Bieden, On Clinton, On Obama and Pelosi!

From the House to the senate, there arose such a clatter,

To blot out the Name of Jesus, from all public matters.

Soon we`ll face charges, as they stifle our faith,

forbidden to speak in public, of salvation and grace.

The true Gift of Christmas is shunned, then returned,

The Wonder of Christ, has still yet to be learned.

So as you celebrate the `season`, around an artificial tree,

Sipping your Starbucks, incline your ear to me.

Choose your words carefully, boldly, and joyfully this day,

yell out "Merry Christmas!", not happy holidays.