Tuesday, October 24, 2006


By the din of battle, we can surmize that it is election time again. As a Christian Conservative Republican going to the polls in a few weeks, there is much to consider. This will be a monunental point in time for the values voter, we will either continue in domination of house and senate and the governorship of Massachusettes, or we will see the stage set for disaster on the fronts of legitimate marriage, national security, sound social ethics, and religious freedom just to name a few.
Tune in to the news media if you dare, and you will hear the ranting of liberals and the expounding of conservatives on more issues than you could count on all your fingers and toes. It seems to me, that according to statistics, a great many people in this country do not vote, yet there are an awful lot of people complaining about an awful lot of things.
Let us examine this. If we do not vote, we need to shut our pie hole. If we can not be bothered to make our opinion clear at the ballot box, we should put our heads back in the sand and let the adults make the decisions. The Good Lord knows that there is trouble in our nation, and He has provided us a voice to address our concerns about our government. So if you love God, and this United states of America you need to get informed, and make a choice. Our way of life, our childrens security, and the moral future of this land depend on it.
Am I a happy camper around the Republican fire? Not always, to be honest. And we need to be honest. The morally reprehensible behavior of some men in our party is sickening, and undercuts the very foundations of its values. Unfortunately only dismissal and possibly incarceration are allowed by law. Have we become a governing elite that is to slow and preoccupied with glorifing its achievements to respond to the needs of its citizens in the face of disaster? To this shame we need to admit and repent. Is there a good reason why we drag our feet concerning the enforcement of established laws, and the secutity of our national borders? The usury of the desperate for the benefit of the wealthy has nothing to do with reason. And I feel sadly, that we were decieved by those in control of our party, about our military entry into Iraq. We as citizens of this country, did not need to be fed a story about alleged WMDs based on questionable, if not blatantly false intelligence. President Bush needed only to state the facts; that we had to level Saddams` regime because he was a tyrannical despot, and would continue to threaten regional and world stability, just as the Taliban would have. We desperately needed to establish a stand against the growing threat of radical Muslim Jihad, and without a doubt 9/11 gave us and the world all the reason we needed to do so. People, do not be swayed by the whining liberal media chatter, if Saddam as a political leader was not yet supporting Muslim extremest based terrorism, how long would it have been before he would have? Should we have waited for the inevitable ? We needed to wage war for the security of our nation then, and we need to be there now. Why did Democrats vote for the war option in the beginning , only to turn tail now? Why would anyone want to cheapen the price our military dead? Why would any group of Americans want to steer us further away from precepts of our Constitution or the Laws of God that our society was founded upon? who can be sure. But, where they would lead us today were they to gain power? This we can be sure about, if we think for one minute that it would be a better place than where we are now, we are sadly, and quite likely mortally, mistaken.