Above part of our missions work team takes a quick break from laying tile in the new compound that will house a large modern seminary school for the training of Haitian pastors. As I write this the building you see here is already completed and occupied by full time missionaries Gil and Dan Shoemaker, who are overseeing the project. The physical labor is hard and the temperature is above 90f. Most of us have never laid a tile in our lives, but became fairly good at it under the firm and professional guidance of fellow missionary Lt. Dan, a professional contractor from Indiana who gives weeks each year to the Lord's service.

Begun and finished 3 years ago, this is an addition to the Bethesda medical clinic on the main OMS compound, this photo was taken by the last mission team to Haiti from Holland Church.

Donated from The US, Canada, and other countries, things we take for granted like cabinetry for a kitchen may seem trivial, but the desire in the hearts of those who donate, ship, and work to install these simple amenities is anything but that. The love of Christ and the desire to help those in desperate need fuel the furnace of human industry that helps to build even the smallest parts of God's Kingdom.

John, son of a full time missionary from Canada spends his winter months working to add to the compound. Here he cuts tile with a wet saw. The pace is fast as we strive in a week to accomplish all we can for those who live and devote their lives to the mission field full time. Though we are but a small drop in the bucket, the privilege and blessings are great, growing our hearts for service to others.
The next segment will be the final one on this experience, and will tell of the largest hope for the people of Haiti, and for those who are moved by the Grace of God to call Jesus Christ Lord and Saviour.
In love in Christ, Mike.