Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Sufficiency in Scripture

In recent weeks I have begun to notice a vast difference in what people have to say about Scripture, and what Scripture actually says to people. While it is understandable, from a Biblical perspective that the unsaved can not truly understand The Word of God, I find myself agonizing over the various assumptions of professing Christians. Bear in mind I am a fairly new believer, that God has not overburdened me with intelligence, and I sometimes find it hard to imagine why He would bother to save a soul as unworthy as my own, at the expense of His Sons` life.
It may well be that like a child in love for the first time, I am simply too inexpierienced in The Word to see the problems with it that so many of my brothers and sisters seem to find.
Charismatics seem to need to add something to Salvation in Jesus Christ, to validate it. Health and wealth proponents appear to see Gods` Word as a prospectus for long painless life on earth and increased income for its` own sake. And so many leaders of so many churches seem to feel the Scriptures need to be muted or rounded off on the edges, as to better fit into the man shaped hole culture creates for them.
I read my Bible most every evening, and pray every morning. I make two Bible studies a week and attend two services, taking notes on the points of the sermons. Because of this humble attempt at immersion in The Word, I feel I have at least a basic understanding of what God has given to us in His Book.
Quite possibly, I am just plain naive. Or I`m just to simple in my approach to the Bible. I feel what I find in The Word satisfies my soul without the need to segment, add or subtract anything. Maybe one day years from now I will find the need to curb my thoughts and opinions on the Bible God has given us, as not to offend or consternate those around me. Or to enrage those who do not want to believe in absolutes. Yet I can`t help thinking that if this ever becomes the case, I will be able to remember the simple comfort I find in The Scriptures today, and sufficiency in which they fulfill every need of my soul.