Saturday, November 25, 2006


I love the outdoors. When weather permits open water I fish like a madman. While I engage in this pastime I contemplate God, and His multitude of blessings on us in the world He created. Though our planet groans under the curse of sin, it is beautiful still. As the fall turns to early winter and the cover of leaves is shed, they expose the human shame of thoughtlesness. I am always shocked to see the vast amount of litter we heap upon Gods` creation, as if it were a matt on which to wipe our feet.
I am reminded of the late 1960`s commercial where a Native American sheds a tear over the soiling of this land and think, he must be an arid husk by now. I try to turn my gaze to a part of the riverbank, woods, or shoreline where I may not see beer cans or soda bottles, cigarette butts, plastic wrappers, discarded CD`s, or snarled fishing line. I have yet to find such a place on any public land, and I walk over alot of it in the nine or so months a year The Lord provides me to fish His waters.
Disconcerted, I look out over the gently rippling water to sooth the sadness. Not suprisingly the sharp corner of twisted metal pipe catches my eye just below the surface, partialy wrapped in a torn plastic shopping bag swaying in the current. Shiny bits of broken glass lie in the sand at my feet, intermingled with parts of a broken plastic bobber. On the surface of the pond, the heel of a foam rubber sandal floats, through a thin film a oil from an ill maintained outboard.
As far as I have been able to figure God gave us the title of stewards over His Earth, an awesome responsibility to be sure, but a simple one. Yet my face burns with shame before the Lord at our inept handling of this concept, that we can season after season so disdain and disrespect the Father who with His own hands, built for us so marvelous a place to dwell.


Anonymous said...

Amen, brother. Since we live in the same town, I'm glad to know that someone else is helping to look out for this little corner of God's creation...

....and leave a few fish for me! :-D

mkz said...

Hello Ian, you fish!? Common ground! When the spring comes again, lets fish and discuss theology!

Anonymous said...

Spring? How about some ice fishing on Sherman Lake? I need the excuse to get my license early and sharpen my auger.

mkz said...

This would be new to me, I know nothing about ice fishing, but I do have some scores to settle with some Shermies, lost a few this summer on a canoe foray. Lets do this.

The Real Music Observer said...

Awesome! It's great to see some real common ground! I love you guys! Hey the environment is one issue we need to pull together on-and not just in word but in deed. Why don't we do something to clean up Brimfield? I don't even live there, but I feel compelled to initiate. What d'ya say boys?

Anonymous said...

I say Spencer is a dirty place! :-p Just kidding.

Seriously, I'm a devoted environmentalist. I'm on the Conservation Commission in Brimfield, I teach birdwatching and lead bird walks at Capen Hill and I blog about spirituality and birding at yet another blog at Bird Parables
As for specific ideas, I would like to organize a Biodiversity Day in the late spring and I'm interested in getting Brimfield to adopt the Community Preservation Act. I'll be looking for helpers.

The Real Music Observer said...

What??!! That's why I'm moving out of Spencer. Keep in mind I'm moving to a dirtier place. So maybe I should organize something once I get settled. Id be glad to come and help out in Brimfield though.

mkz said...

Hello Ian, spent hours posting on your blog, somehow erased a post trying to edit it, so I took a while to get back to my own blog.Also I am reading John MacArthurs` Charismatic chaos`, have Hank Hanegraaffs` `Counterfiet revival` on my plate next, and I just got my first copy of `Biblical Archeology Review` All this and a fresh trout to clean too!
Go before politicians? can anything really be accomplished that way? though maybe not obvious, I was working toward a more personal aproach. Somehow I feel that time spent hands on, pickstick and plastic bag type activity, being a visible witness of example in public, might accomplish more.
But your idea likley has more merit. I would be willing to lend a hand. What does this entail?

Anonymous said...

I don't really have anything moving on the Community Preservation Act yet, but if you contact me "in real life" I can tell you about what it entails (and we can plan to go fishing). You could email me at ianlynch(at)