Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Reaping what was sown

The Republican party was thoroughly trounced. As a Repub of course I am not happy with this, but it is not unexpected. Or unwarranted. The party is supposed to stand for moral and ethical value, small government spending and smart, well handled public service. If only some of the party members representing us had been told this, we would still hold the House and ( maybe) the Senate.
Reality is we don`t. I support our troops and the war in Iraq as necessary, but deplore the way it was sold to us, and the lack of direction taken from the generals in field. They are professionals, and their advice should have been heeded. As for Katrina, we are shamed before the nation as a party, I don`t know what happened there, and neither it seems does the Federal Government, as there is still much work to be done. Ethics and morals? there is no limit to the deception here. I don`t think there has ever been a group quite like this, Foly, Haggerty, Allen, Abramoff and friends, just to name some. Elected officials or not these men were supposed to be representing a higher standard. Yet with no concern for family, friends or party they crawled through the mud of homosexual sin, racism, fraud and deception when they thought no one was looking. Well God was looking, and as the unrepentant cannot escape the judgement of the Creator, elected officials have not escaped the judgement of the public.
I pray that we will take a long look at ourselves, we are a nation heading into dangerous times and we desperately need integrity and accountability in our leaders, policies and our souls. Facing us are the monsters of Political Correctness, gay marriage, legal infanticide, and terrorism. War against the traditional family values this country was founded on, and even against Christmas itself. Christmas! Without a trustworthy party to stand up for those who desire a culture of life and positive ethical and moral values, we may live to see our nation fall into the abyss of moral relativism. If we are not overrun with illegal aliens, or steamrolled by radical Muslim terrorists first.
Will the Democrats be able to pull our country together? I honestly hope so, but with a liberal value system guiding them, and no solid plan on foreign policy, The future is not looking much better in their hands.
We took a beating this midterm election because we deserved it, from every rotten politician that misrepresented the party values, to every single Christian that failed to vote.
As a conservative Christian, I place my Trust and faith in God and our savior Jesus Christ. As He is in charge, this is by His design and therefore is what is best for us, even if it is a hard lump to take at the moment. I will respect the position of those duly elected, though I may disagree with what they stand for. And, I will pray those coming to power will know and love the Lord, and that they will govern according to His will and now sow seeds of righteousness, that in the future, we will not reep the grapes of wrath.

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