Saturday, December 16, 2006


Leviticus 19:19 warns us, `You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your livestock breed with another kind. You shall not sew your field with mixed seed. Nor shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come upon you.`
A similar statement is made in Deuteronemy 22:11, `You shall not wear a garment of different sorts, such as wool and linen mixed together.`
One could surmise from this that The Lord has a `thing` against certain types of clothing, salad blends, or perhaps even the tastey Beeffalo. However this would be missing the point for today, as we are no longer bound to Levitical Law because of The New Covenant in Christ.
Paul clearly brings these Old Testament Laws into New Covenant focus in Galatians 1:8-9, `But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have recieved, let him be accursed.`
These are strong, and clear words that leave very little room for error in interpretation. There is no arguable double meaning to confuse, no room to wriggle into something more comfortable, accommodating, or less exclusive. We know from all of Scripture that God, is a God of absolutes and accepts no substitutes when it concerns to His Word.
The Bible confirms we are made by God in His image. I believe this is why, in a sense, we seek what is pure and perfect in the world when it comes to what we desire from it.
No one seeks a new car with some mechanical defect, or a scratch in the paint. When we see something like this we walk by, and look to the next opportinity. Women who are moderately handsom do not grace the cover of magazines selling the latest fasions, or we might shun the clothes. When we look at diamonds, we seek to find the clearest, brightest, most cleanly cut specimen to adorn the finger of our intended, and the jeweler never seeks to use gold of marginal quality in his wears. As parents, we hope and pray that our children are born with all the fingers and toes in the perfect place, and in the right amount.
This being true, it is tragic we so easily and carelessly turn our hand against the perfection of The Word. Daily many will cut out those parts that seem somehow wrong to us, sew on odd limbs of interpretation, and fuse our weakly woven earthly agendas into the fabric of the ephod our Creator spun to fit us with great precision, and loving care. The result men of such arrogance produce is an ill fitting garment that may appear warm and wonderful at a glance, but upon closer inspection will always reveal its flaws. The shoddy sticthing of inept and foolish hands leave gaps in the panels, and these errors will not cease to expose the shameful sin of presumption, when the Masters` design is at last set before it for all to see.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Merry CHRISTmas

As much as I would like to take credit for this, I cannot. The original was sent to me in an e-mail, author unknown. It was somewhat dated, and so I felt the need for some revision. I hope as you read, it will bring a concern to your hearts, and a new resolve to stand firm against the culture that would profane the celebration of Christs` birth, and reduce it to nothing more than an annual secular social event.

`Tis not a month before Christmas, and all through the land,

too few Christians are praying, or taking a stand.

How sad the freedom to worship,

Slowly slips through our hands.

Our children are told by public schools not to sing,

about Shepards or Wisemen, Angels, or a King.

"It might hurt people`s feelings!" the teachers must say,

call December 25th, just another holiday.

All the shoppers will consume with cash, checks, and credit,

pushing folks to the floor, in a rush just to get it.

CDs, widescreens, a Playstation, some new clothes to be worn,

who remembers the name of The Gentle Newborn?

Retail giants promote holidays like Ramadan, and Kwanzaa,

in hopes to sell books, by Franken and Fonda.

Remember Target hanging trees upsidedown?

While at Best Buy the word `Christmas` can not be found.

At K-Mart and Lowe`s and Penny`s and at Sears,

no employee can wish you `Merry Christmas` this year.

Inclusive, sensitive, and diversity,

all words they will use to shame and intimidate me.

Now Matthews, Now Stewart, Now Olberman and Winfrey,

On Bieden, On Clinton, On Obama and Pelosi!

From the House to the senate, there arose such a clatter,

To blot out the Name of Jesus, from all public matters.

Soon we`ll face charges, as they stifle our faith,

forbidden to speak in public, of salvation and grace.

The true Gift of Christmas is shunned, then returned,

The Wonder of Christ, has still yet to be learned.

So as you celebrate the `season`, around an artificial tree,

Sipping your Starbucks, incline your ear to me.

Choose your words carefully, boldly, and joyfully this day,

yell out "Merry Christmas!", not happy holidays.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Beware, the silken words of madmen

Recently the people of the United States recieved a letter from Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I urge any who have not read this document, to do so at once. is one of a few places where it can be found, read and printed.
As an American, a Christian, and a basically educated man, I am both afraid and concerned over the content of President Ahmadinejads` message. I am struck by the sophisticated presentation of his ideas, and the reasonableness of the mans suggestions, the smooth sincerity of his every word. My fear is not so much of him, but of the weak minded and dissolusioned men and women in our own nation that so easily fall prey to anything well packaged, pleasing to the eye, and tickelish to the ear.
Dr. Ahmadinejad speaks often of `God`. Even more of Divinity and spirituality, on the surface he seems a godly man. The cadance and soothing tone belie a terrifying truth. The god of this man is not the God of the Bible, but a god of prophets that command beliefe in him or death. Deny what you will, this is a basic tenant of the Muslim faith.
Iran is a theocratic dictatorship, ruled by fear and oppression like any other country where beliefs are told you. Free speech and practice of worship is not an option there, and if you refuse to adhere arrest, imprisonment and death are surely your lot. But, none of this is in the well crafted letter, as truth would spoil the illusion of its` intent. Though one point is completely evident , the thinly veiled hatred of the Jewish people cannot be contained. Nor will it be entirely lost on even the slightly gullible readers, as it makes them squirm just a little uncomfortably in their comfortable chairs.
This subtle servent of ill will would have us believe we share a common intrest in peace, as he appeals to the mothers and families of our servicemen and women in Iraq to call their children home. While with the other hand he doles out vast amounts of weapons and wealth to insurgents to kill and mutilate those same children in the streets of Bagdad.
Skillfully we are demonized to the world for the wrongful imprisonment and degrading of jihadists in the course of defence of our nations` security, yet those who are ultimately behind the kidnapping of journalists, aid workers, and engineers and their recorded and televised torture and beheadings are never mentioned. With a mouth open on both sides the Iranian president condemns terrorism on the right, while supporting Sryia on the left.
Gently he concerns himself with our accounts in Iraq, lightly salting the wound he hopes so soon to fully infect. President Ahmadinejad wrings blood caked hands in anticipation of our militarys` departure, eger to aquire the resorces of oil and bodies to fund and fuel a coming war he will wage first against the Jew, then the western world. This war is not an idle threat, it was his word.
Imperialism, fascism, and communism have all bred their cataclysms, some violent and genocidal, others cold and suffocating. Yet they will have been as a cloud passing before the sun when compared to the coming atrocities that loom large before the world today, if we continue to stumble forward with our eyes closed and our ears open to the silken words of madmen.